Wyatt, My Miracle Boy by Jamie Bowman

My story I would like to share with everyone is my about my son, Wyatt, as of right now he’s two years old and full of life. He brings joy, not only to my life but to everyone he meets. He is a survivor, a fighter and my miracle boy. He was born at 39 weeks, via C-section here in Kalamazoo. Born, kissed by his Mommy and Daddy and rushed off to the team of doctor’s waiting for him and his arrival.

We knew in utero that he would be born with a Omphalocele, where organs can form on the outside of the body and also, possibly, a heart defect as well. Very hard as a mother , you say or you hear, “as long as they are born healthy” many times throughout a pregnancy and it hits you, weighs on you, that your baby will not be and maybe not survive. But I prayed, researched, cried many nights, and went to every doctor’s appointment with my head held high. He was my son, my miracle boy and I loved him.

After he was born , it was confirmed he had heart defect as well, vsd: ventricular septal defect, a opening in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart. He was taken via ambulance five days after he was born to Mott’s Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor and at 11 days old he had his first open heart surgery. His second heart surgery would come later on around 8 months of age. Children are so strong, I watched him many nights struggle with pain and see the look on his face, they can’t tell us, but we know, as parents we know.

He has come a long way. When he came home, he was ng tube fed, heart monitor 24/7, seven different medications, high calorie formula, sponge bath, two different creams and daily wrapping for his Omphalocele, weekly nurse visits, at home occupational therapy, physical therapy at home and outside of the home, and lots of rest and love. He is now two, no medications, no more heart surgeries, full of life and energy, eating and drinking like a toddler and loving life.

I wanted to share my story with all of you, with Mother’s who may be struggling, who are having a bad day, don’t give up. Your child/children need you and you can do this. Reach out if you need help, I did and it helped. Do the research and fight for your child, it will get better.